Rosetta Stone: Learn to Speak and Read New Languages Rosetta Stone: Learn to Speak and Read New Languages Rosetta Stone: Learn to Speak and Read New Languages

Rosetta Stone: Learn to Speak and Read New LanguagesRosetta Stone: Learn to Speak and Read New Languages APK Free Download
Version:  5.7.1


Learn to speak a new language intuitively with Rosetta Stone. Train yourself to gain context from conversations using our proven immersion method.

Rosetta Stones award-winning mobile app teaches you to think in a new language by connecting what youre seeing with what youre saying. Explore a conversational way of language learning that grows your speaking and reading abilities. Study grammar and vocabulary intuitively and learn to speak a new language, from French to orean.

- 2018 Platinum Award for Best Educational App by the Best Mobile App Awards
- 2018 PCMag Editors Choice
- 2017 Best Productivity & Utilities App by Mobile UX Awards


1. Sound amazing and improve your pronunciation with TruAccent , our patented speech recognition technology.
2. Thrive in conversation after using Rosetta Stones Dynamic Immersion method.
3. Perfect your language skills offline. Listen to our downloadable lessons and keep learning, wherever you are.

1. Open up your world
Choose from 24 languages: Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Spain), English (US), English (U), French, Japanese, Italian, German, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, orean, Dutch, Tagalog, Greek, Hindi, Irish, Farsi, Polish, Swedish, Turkish, and Vietnamese.

2. Begin your journey
Practice learning the basic greetings, questions, and phrases you need to introduce yourself, get around, and start simple conversations. Refine your accent with our TruAccent technology. Read short stories aloud for instant feedback. What you learn now is the foundation of your language journey.

3. Find your feet
This is where your learning experience really gets going. Get outside and explore your surroundings! Eat out, order a drink, ask for directions, haggle over an item, or make a new friend. Consult our easy-to-access Phrasebook for greetings, phrases, and useful expressions. Out and about without internet access? Learn offline with downloadable lessons, or listen to our audio companion.

4. Express yourself
Youre now beginning to feel confident expressing feelings and opinions in your new language. You can talk about everyday life, ask for advice, communicate with clients, and make jokes. Youre surprised at how much you can speak and understand!

5. Converse with ease
Youre thinking, expressing feelings, and dreaming in your new language. You can conduct business and socialize with confidence. Youre expressing yourself on a range of topics, from politics to sports, and everything in between. Congratulations! Strangers become friends and the world becomes a smaller place when youve learned a new language.

Download Rosetta Stone and start your language learning journey today!
Try us free for 3 days! If you enjoy your Rosetta Stone trial, do nothing and your subscription will automatically continue.

Current Subscribers
- Get full access to all lessons, stories, and audio companion when you subscribe to Rosetta Stone.
- Payment will be charged to your Apple ID.
- Your account will be auto-renewed 24 hours prior to the end of the current period.
- Manage or cancel your subscription from your App Store User Settings at any time after purchasing. Payment will be taken until the end of the current period.

Enterprise and Education Learners


To conclude Rosetta Stone: Learn to Speak and Read New Languages works on Android operating system and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. Rosetta Stone: Learn to Speak and Read New Languages download file is only 75.0 MB  in size.
Rosetta Stone: Learn to Speak and Read New Languages was filed under the Education category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score.
Rosetta Stone: Learn to Speak and Read New Languages has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck Rosetta Stone: Learn to Speak and Read New Languages when updated to assure that it remains clean.

Rosetta Stone: Learn to Speak and Read New Languages user Review

Please review Rosetta Stone: Learn to Speak and Read New Languages application and submit your comments below. We will collect all comments in an effort to determine whether the Rosetta Stone: Learn to Speak and Read New Languages software is reliable, perform as expected and deliver the promised features and functionalities.

Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 78 - Score - 5/5 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Education 
Publisher: Rosetta Stone Ltd
Last Updated: 02/18/2022
Requirements: Android 5.0+
License: Freeware
Operating system: Android
Hits: 1754
File size: 75.0 MB 

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