NAVER Korean Dictionary NAVER Korean Dictionary NAVER Korean Dictionary

NAVER Korean DictionaryNAVER Korean Dictionary APK Free Download
Version:  2.3.7


-The most popular app in orea
Provided by NAVER.COM, the No.1 search portal service in orea, this dictionary app offers accurate and abundant contents.

- Effective helper for learning orean
- 5.7M words and 2.84M examples
- Related forms and grammar tips
Study origin words, derivatives, and applications
- Voice actor-recorded pronunciation as well as TTS pronunciation
- Fun usage of the word
- Word book: Create your own word book with vocabulary of your choice
- Today's orean: learn orean with a new conversation script every day
- V LIVE Fansubs: real examples from dictionary search page

- Easy to input foreign languages
- Handwriting, voice, and text recognition input methods:
offered depending on the language characteristics of the relevant dictionary
- Easy search with word auto-complete feature!

- Collaborative Dictionary
- Open Dictionary: Share words that aren't found in the dictionary
- User Translation: Challenge yourself with orean†”English translation!

- Encyclopedia of nowledge
- orean Dictionary
- orean Dictionary for learners: English/Arabic/Chinese/French/Indonesian/Mongolian/Russian/Spanish/Thai/Vietnamese
- English Dictionary: English-orean, orean-English, English-English
- Japanese Dictionary: Japanese-orean, orean-Japanese, Japanese Chinese Character
- Chinese Dictionary: Chinese-orean, orean-Chinese
- Chinese Character Dictionary
- Albanian Dictionary: Albanian-orean
- Arabic Dictionary: orean-Arabic
- Burmese Dictionary: Burmese-orean
- Cambodian Dictionary: Cambodian-orean
- Czech Dictionary: Czech-orean
- Dutch Dictionary: Dutch-orean, orean-Dutch
- Finnish Dictionary: Finnish-orean
- French Dictionary: French-orean, orean-French
- Georgian Dictionary: Georgian-orean
- German Dictionary: German-orean, orean-German
- Dictionary(Modern/Ancient) : Greek-orean
- Hebrew Dictionary(Ancient): Hebrew-orean
- Hindi Dictionary: Hindi-orean, orean-Hindi
- Hungarian Dictionary: Hungarian-orean, orean-Hungarian
- Indonesian Dictionary: Indonesian-orean
- Italian Dictionary: Italian-orean, orean-Italian
- Latin Dictionary: Latin-orean
- Mongolian Dictionary: Mongolian-orean
- Nepali Dictionary: Nepali-orean
- Persian Dictionary: Persian-orean
- Polish Dictionary: Polish-orean
- Portuguese Dictionary: Portuguese-orean, orean-Portuguese
- Romanian Dictionary: Romanian-orean
- Russian Dictionary: Russian-orean, orean-Russian
- Spanish Dictionary: Spanish-orean, orean-Spanish
- Swahili Dictionary: Swahili-orean
- Swedish Dictionary: Swedish-orean, orean-Swedish
- Tetum Dictionary: Tetum-orean
- Thai Dictionary: Thai-orean, orean-Thai
- Turkish Dictionary: orean-Turkish
- Ukrainian Dictionary: Ukrainian-orean
- Uzbek Dictionary: Uzbek-orean, orean-Uzbek
- Vietnamese Dictionary: Vietnamese-orean, orean-Vietnamese
- Open Dictionary

NAVER Korean Dictionary 2.9.0

Pnaver korean dictionary is one of the most complete apps for learning korean. For those who want to improve or learn new things in korean this dictionary has tons of content to help you. In the dictionary naver korean dictionary lets you search for words in english and korean so you can see how to pronounce the word what it means and how to translate. There is a written transcription of each definition but you can also listen to the word read aloud. This feature not only helps you learn new vocabulary but also improves pronunciation.

on the other hand, naver korean dictionary includes tons of explanatory videos on all kinds of topics that you can watch to increase your vocabulary and bank of conversational phrases. One of the strengths of this app is the almost infinite number of examples given for each word so that you can learn where the word comes from and how to use it. There's also the possibility to create your own vocabulary list to study whenever and wherever you want.


To conclude NAVER Korean Dictionary works on Android operating system and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. NAVER Korean Dictionary download file is only 31.5 MB  in size.
NAVER Korean Dictionary was filed under the Education category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score.
NAVER Korean Dictionary has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck NAVER Korean Dictionary when updated to assure that it remains clean.

NAVER Korean Dictionary user Review

Please review NAVER Korean Dictionary application and submit your comments below. We will collect all comments in an effort to determine whether the NAVER Korean Dictionary software is reliable, perform as expected and deliver the promised features and functionalities.

Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 78 - Score - 5/5 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Education 
Publisher: NAVER Corp.
Last Updated: 20/11/2023
Requirements: Android 4.4+
License: Freeware
Operating system: Android
Hits: 902
File size: 31.5 MB 

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