All free Recipes : World Cuisines All free Recipes : World Cuisines All free Recipes : World Cuisines

All free Recipes : World CuisinesAll free Recipes : World Cuisines APK Free Download
Version:  32.0.0


World recipes free app provides you the collection of variety of yummy,delicious and healthy foods from different regions of the world. Recipes may differ mainly depends on the region,festivals,some religious beliefs etc. We provide you special kids s , diabetic free , diet, salad, chicken, rice, smoothie, pasta, pork etc from different parts of the world. This app is completely free for all time. People always searches for healthy dishes with more taste. Healthy foods will maintain our health in a proper way. Cook some mouth watering recipes and make surprises in cooking. From Mexican to Italian,from Indian to Chinese,from German to America,from orean to Thai etc all integrated in a single cookbook. This will be the best free cuisine app for you. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, snacks and starters - all delicious and nutritious. You'll even find burger and chips. People who like to cook food now don't want to refer any magazines or other sites. Take this cookbook to kitchen and cook your favorite recipe without anyone's help. This world has plenty of mind-blowing dishes and we have recipes from all corners of it. All are categorized by country and region. The foods from the most popular cuisines from the world. American, African, Asian, Canadian , European , Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Mexican all in a single app. Find recipe collections for your favorite regional fare, from authentic Chinese stir-fries to down-home Southern vegetables. You can get your favorite soup recipe by searching the soup recipe name,ingredients etc. You can access dishes without the aid of internet by adding them into offline. You can bookmark your favorite recipes too. You can add ingredients to shopping list so that you can buy it from the market very easily. Our extensive library of World recipes highlights the many diverse cuisines of this planet.
App features:
Global search
Search recipes by ingredients, names, tags
Shopping list
Recipe preparation time
Offline recipe access
Favorite recipes can be stored separately
Reverse recipe search
Recipes can be shared to anyone by a single click
Recipes are provided with their nutritional value, calories
Number of servings is also provided
Recipe of the moment

Celebrate international dishes and recipes from around the world. All type of holiday, festivals etc from different regions. Authentic collection of delicious world recipes. Secret to tasty & Healthy foods are here. Calorie of recipes is also listed in all pass. We have special categories for summer dishes.

Download this best free recipe cookbook app and make surprises in cooking!!

Happy Cooking !!


To conclude All free Recipes : World Cuisines works on Android operating system and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. All free Recipes : World Cuisines download file is only 6.9 MB  in size.
All free Recipes : World Cuisines was filed under the Food category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score.
All free Recipes : World Cuisines has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck All free Recipes : World Cuisines when updated to assure that it remains clean.

All free Recipes : World Cuisines user Review

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Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 18 - Score - 5/5 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Food 
Publisher: Fitness Circle
Last Updated: 01/19/2022
Requirements: Android 4.0+
License: Freeware
Operating system: Android
Hits: 1245
File size: 6.9 MB 

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