50,000 recipes from around the world 50,000 recipes from around the world 50,000 recipes from around the world

50,000 recipes from around the world50,000 recipes from around the world APK Free Download
Version:  2.0.2


Culinary recipes from around the world, more than 50 thousand recipes for every taste.

Please love and favor this great app.
With it, you will always find what you like.

- 3 types of combined search:
‍› Category!
‍›‍› Blanks
‍›‍› Baking and desserts
‍›‍› Main dishes
‍›‍› Breakfast
‍›‍› Salads
‍›‍› Soups
‍›‍› Pasta and pizza
‍›‍› Snacks
‍›‍› Sandwiches
‍›‍› risotto
‍›‍› Drinks
‍›‍› Sauces and pickles
‍›‍› Broths
‍› Dish type!
‍› Type menu!
‍›‍› Vegetarian Food
‍›‍› Children's menu
‍›‍› Low calorie food
‍›‍› Lean food
‍›‍› Menu for diabetes
‍› itchen Nationality
‍›‍› Chinese cuisine
‍›‍› Mexican food
‍›‍› Georgian cuisine
‍›‍› French cuisine
‍›‍› Japanese cuisine
‍›‍› Indian cuisine
‍›‍› Russian cuisine
‍›‍› Mediterranean cuisine
‍›‍› Uzbek cuisine
‍›‍› Armenian cuisine
‍›‍› Thai cuisine
‍›‍› Westeros itchen
‍›‍› Italian cuisine
‍›‍› Spanish cuisine
‍›‍› Azerbaijani cuisine
- Easily view photo recipes.
- Each recipe has its own energy value:
‍› Fats!
‍› Squirrels!
‍› Carbohydrates!
‍› Calories!

- Name and quantity of ingredients per serving.
And of course, step by step cooking instructions.

Enjoy using :)


To conclude 50,000 recipes from around the world works on Android operating system and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. 50,000 recipes from around the world download file is only 3.9 MB  in size.
50,000 recipes from around the world was filed under the Food category and was reviewed in softlookup.com and receive 5/5 Score.
50,000 recipes from around the world has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck 50,000 recipes from around the world when updated to assure that it remains clean.

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Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 92 - Score - 5/5

Softlookup.com 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Food 
Publisher: systemDmitry
Last Updated: 02/02/2022
Requirements: Android 4.0.3+
License: Freeware
Operating system: Android
Hits: 887
File size: 3.9 MB 

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