TheFork - Restaurants booking and special offers TheFork - Restaurants booking and special offers TheFork - Restaurants booking and special offers

TheFork - Restaurants booking and special offersTheFork - Restaurants booking and special offers APK Free Download
Version:  12.7.1


10‚¬ discount on your next meal!
Make a 1st booking on the app with the code APP18 and receive 1000 Yums on your fidelity space. These can be converted into a 10‚¬ discount on your next meal.

Book your next table with the app, FREE & SIMPLE
No need to call the restaurant to get a table, the availability is true all the time, you can book within secondes and you will even receive a confirmation by mail & SMS.

Enjoy exclusive offers up to 50% off your meal
A lot of restaurants have special offers up to 50% off your meal. No surprise, the offer is directly applied on the bill.

Find the best restaurants around you
Brunch, bistrot, pizza, romantic setting, with friends etc. choose your table among 40 000 restaurants thanks to detailed information on the restaurant (photos, menus, price, reviews).

You are travelling around? Don't worry, you can find our service in most European big cities like Madrid, Geneva, Barcelona, Roma, Brussels, Stockholm or Copenhagen. You can also find the best restaurant around you by enabling your geolocation!

NEW! In Paris, Madrid & Barcelona you can now find INSIDER: our best restaurants of the moment. You will find a fine tuned selection of restaurants selected by the press, from the french bistrot around the corner to the 1 star restaurant.

Let us guide you with our 4 million of reviews
Rely on a foodie community with more than 4 million of reviews and 40 000 food pictures to make up your mind.
On TheFork, you are the guide! Only the clients who went to the restaurant can leave a review and post food pictures.

Your fidelity rewarded!
Win Yums at each booking.
1 booking = 150 Yums
1000 Yums = 10‚¬ discount on a partner restaurant!
2000 Yums = 25‚¬ !

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-Exclusive and personal offer valid after entering the code APP18 at the moment of the booking. This code is valid only for the person who never made a booking through the app (Android). The code APP18 is valid once and only on the app TheFork (Android). 7 days after the meal date, 1000 Yums will be credited in your personal fidelity space. These 1000 Yums can then be converted into a 10‚¬ discount in a partnered restaurant.

Since October 5 2017, the loyalty programme is even more generous on the application: win 150 Yums for each booking on the app, and 50 Yums for each booking on desktop or mobile website.


To conclude TheFork - Restaurants booking and special offers works on Android operating system and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. TheFork - Restaurants booking and special offers download file is only 17.7 MB  in size.
TheFork - Restaurants booking and special offers was filed under the Food category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score.
TheFork - Restaurants booking and special offers has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck TheFork - Restaurants booking and special offers when updated to assure that it remains clean.

TheFork - Restaurants booking and special offers user Review

Please review TheFork - Restaurants booking and special offers application and submit your comments below. We will collect all comments in an effort to determine whether the TheFork - Restaurants booking and special offers software is reliable, perform as expected and deliver the promised features and functionalities.

Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 30 - Score - 5/5 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Food 
Publisher: LaFourchette / ElTenedor / TheFork
Last Updated: 02/05/2022
Requirements: Android 4.1+
License: Freeware
Operating system: Android
Hits: 785
File size: 17.7 MB 

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