To do list, Calendar, Reminders and Planner To do list, Calendar, Reminders and Planner To do list, Calendar, Reminders and Planner To do list, Calendar, Reminders and To do list, Calendar, Reminders and Planner APK Free Download


Millions of people use to stay organized and get more done. Its a FREE to do list, calendar, and reminders app, all-in-one. "A MUST HAVE APP" on every Android device (NYTimes, USA TODAY, WSJ & Lifehacker).

People use to add & track tasks, set reminders, create smart lists, plan their day and collaborate on shared projects - minus the typical hassle & costs.

‌‌All I really want in a to-do list app ” a way to quickly add tasks, prompts and lists to get me through my personal day‌‍ - USA today

A to-do list youd actually stick to.
Add tasks and manage shared projects
Color label to-dos to set categories & priorities
Organize tasks under lists and add levels with subtasks
Prioritize tasks on your checklist with a daily planner
eep up and add to your to-dos using a home-screen widget

‌‌With the ability to tackle recurring tasks, plus timed and location-based reminders, this daily management app serves as an elite to-do solution.‌‍ - Complex

Never forget a thing.
Set classic reminders for one-time events
Add recurring reminders for ongoing activities, appointments & events
Use location-based reminders for on-the-spot notifications
Get missed call reminders so you never forget to return a call
Receive follow-up meeting reminders to keep up with important action items

‌‌Its can-do-spirit can be contagious. Seeing your tasks neatly displayed in, you may find yourself thinking Hey, I can do this!‌‍ - Wall Street Journal

Turn your calendar into a productivity tool.
Effectively manage your time using a combined view of calendar events and tasks
Quickly scroll through dates to browse tasks & events
Add both tasks & events straight from your calendar view

‌‌Some days you feel lucky to remember your own name, much less your task list - In steps‌‍ - The Muse

Plan your day in seconds.
Quickly prioritize to-dos to achieve your most important goals
Have low priority tasks rescheduled automatically

‌‌A simple interface with powerful features.‌‍ - Forbes

Shop smarter.
Have your grocery items auto-sorted by aisles
Get personal shopping recommendations
Collaborate on grocery lists with friends & family
Create multiple shopping lists for your favorite stores

‌‌Not only free and great looking, but that is also simple and even fun to use.‌‍ - Guiding Tech

Work with your favorite tools.
Easily manage your lists with Alexa
Get more done with Google Assistant
Save time using with Siri
Add tasks straight from Slack

‌‌Simple, yet powerful app.‌‍ - NYTimes

Get more done anywhere.
Work easily on any Android & iOS device
Manage your tasks effectively on both PC & Mac
Get things done on the go with Apple Watch & Android Wear
Boost productivity on web with Chrome & Firefox extensions

‌‌powerful, flexible, and it looks great, too.‌‍ - Lifehacker

Unlock the power of voice commands.
Add tasks hands-free
Dictate new events
Ask for todays agenda remotely
Use your voice to manage your to-do lists

‌‌Elegant and technically advanced.‌‍


To conclude To do list, Calendar, Reminders and Planner works on Android operating system and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. To do list, Calendar, Reminders and Planner download file is only 33.8 MB  in size. To do list, Calendar, Reminders and Planner was filed under the Productivity category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score. To do list, Calendar, Reminders and Planner has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck To do list, Calendar, Reminders and Planner when updated to assure that it remains clean. To do list, Calendar, Reminders and Planner user Review

Please review To do list, Calendar, Reminders and Planner application and submit your comments below. We will collect all comments in an effort to determine whether the To do list, Calendar, Reminders and Planner software is reliable, perform as expected and deliver the promised features and functionalities.

Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 66 - Score - 5/5 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Productivity 
Last Updated: 01/20/2022
Requirements: Android 4.2+
License: Freeware
Operating system: Android
Hits: 6004
File size: 33.8 MB 

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