Samsung Global Goals

Samsung Global GoalsSamsung Global Goals APK Free Download

Samsung Global Goals

Samsung Global Goals : This app helps you to do your part to end poverty hunger and climate change.


This app helps you to do your part to end poverty hunger and climate change. I think we have an opportunity to make the world a better place. This app's interface shows all 17 sustainable development goals also known as the global goals. These were prepared by the un and adopted by all 193 member states. In just a few minutes each day you can contribute to these goals. It's just a matter of watching the ads on this app and the money generated by your views will be donated to your favorite global goals objectives. This app also provides resources so you can learn more about each goal including detailed information and videos. A similar way you can even select one of the lock screen wallpapers provided by the app to give more exposure to an initiative of your choosing. Ppsamsung global goals is a great way to support the 17 global goals by doing nothing more than watching a few ads on this app each day.


To conclude Samsung Global Goals works on Android operating system and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Function Limited license. Samsung Global Goals download file is only 1 MB  in size.
Samsung Global Goals was filed under the Home category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score.
Samsung Global Goals has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck Samsung Global Goals when updated to assure that it remains clean.

Samsung Global Goals user Review

Please review Samsung Global Goals application and submit your comments below. We will collect all comments in an effort to determine whether the Samsung Global Goals software is reliable, perform as expected and deliver the promised features and functionalities.

Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 400 - Score - 5/5 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Home 
Publisher: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Last Updated: 25/10/2023
Requirements: Not Specified
License: Function Limited
Operating system: Android
Hits: 654
File size: 1 MB 

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