Weather Forecast

Weather ForecastWeather Forecast APK Free Download
Version:  1.1.9


Weather Forecast data using the most authoritative source license information, is the Maximum number of days forecast , the most detailed data application in the Market, can forecast 10 days weather information, have real-time weather forecasts and weather warning information over 10000 cities worldwide . This application provides you with the most complete weather forecast information: [feeling] temperature, outdoor temperature, time of sunrise and sunset times, wind speed, humidity, UV index, visibility, pressure, rainfall probability etc; No matter where you are, keep abreast of weather information. With this app to view weather conditions has never been so easy and fun , fingertips can get the most accurate weather forecasts, you can also add a home screen Widget at any time to display the latest weather information . This is a very cool and useful weather forecast APP, is detailed than the most of weather forecast application on the market , definitely worth your to download ! Main features:- Superb screen design, full seasons change and the current weather conditions characteristic- Depending on the weather the weather changing different backgrounds and have different animation effects, such as rain, snow, thunderstorms, etc.
- Detailed weather information , specific to the hourly forecast- You can predict the weather up to 10 days to facilitate your travel- Support future weather trend comparison chart , and more intuitive to show weather information- Support for geolocation, retrieve the latest weather for your current location.
- Offline caching can view weather- Animation sunrise and sunset times, and wind direction and barometric pressure- Humidity detection, UV index and precipitation forecast- Support to switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius- Support for wind speed, time, pressure, visibility, date, etc. Unit switch- Can be freely opened or closed status bar Weather- The new home screen Widget tool, you can choose weather widget 4 - 1 or the weather widget 4 - 2- You can add multiple locations to track weather information, just slide the screen to switch cities- Share weather information to friends, through e-mail, Gmail, Facebook and Flickr. Tips:- Pull down to refresh the weather- Paddling up and down to display detailed weather information- Paddling around to display your favorite places

Weather Forecast 3.5

A weather forecast app designed to provide accurate and up-to-date weather information to its users around the world. With its sleek and easy-to-use interface this app offers a wide range of features to keep its users informed of weather conditions in their area and around the world at all times. Our weather forecast includes information on current temperature wind chill humidity atmospheric pressure wind speed and direction and visibility. A further feature is the ability to access hourly and 10-day forecasts which help plan activities. This tool also includes an interactive map where real-time weather conditions such as thunderstorms and rainfall clouds can be observed. In addition users can customize the app to their needs with different themes and units of measurement. Meteorological forecast also allows home screen widgets so that users can easily view the weather forecast without opening the app. A further feature is the weather alert feature which sends notifications in case of adverse weather conditions such as storm floods and snowfalls. Weather forecast pp in short is a comprehensive app that provides accurate weather information in real-time.


To conclude Weather Forecast works on Android operating system and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. Weather Forecast download file is only 5.1M  in size.
Weather Forecast was filed under the Productivity category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score.
Weather Forecast has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck Weather Forecast when updated to assure that it remains clean.

Weather Forecast user Review

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Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 95 - Score - 5/5 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Productivity 
Publisher: Developer
Last Updated: 20/11/2023
Requirements: Not specified
License: Freeware
Operating system: Android
Hits: 1222
File size: 5.1M 

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