Lean Launcher Lean Launcher

Lean LauncherLean Launcher APK Free Download
Version:  1.1.0


An open source, lightweight, customisable, lean launcher.

Notification dots Lean glance
weather, calendar events, etc Feed
currently only in the debug builds Search UI
bottom search bar
app search bar
app suggestions
voice search shortcut Look - Feel
light, dark, or automatic theme based on your wallpaper
optional black colors for dark theme
changeable grid counts
changeable icon sizes
optional swipe indicator Edit apps
hide apps from your drawer
hide app name from the desktop or your drawer
changeable icon shape on android 8.0 or later
basic icon pack support
adaptive icon support for legacy apps, with optional dynamic background color
optional two line app labels Gestures - Actions
one finger swipe down for notifications
two finger swipe down for quick settings
double tap to lock, with either timeout or secure lock
customisable home button action on your home screen Shortcuts
optional static shortcuts
dynamic shortcuts from android 7.1 or later Other
home screen rotation
option physical animations
optional transparent navigation bar in your drawer
lockable desktop

Lean Launcher 1.1.9

This lightweight launcher lets you give your home screen a very similar look to the one in the pixel launcher app. Defaultly you have a google search bar at the bottom of the screen just below the shortcut icons. Lean launcher has a number of customization options. There is a possibility to change the number of columns of the icons as well as the number of rows or the shape of the icons itself. Plus you can pick from several different themes for the search bar, change the icon design, and even import your own icon packs. It is a powerful lightweight and very customizable launcher that offers a user experience similar to that of the pixel launcher.


To conclude Lean Launcher works on Android operating system and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. Lean Launcher download file is only 1.96 MB  in size.
Lean Launcher was filed under the Collection category and was reviewed in softlookup.com and receive 5/5 Score.
Lean Launcher has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck Lean Launcher when updated to assure that it remains clean.

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Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 89 - Score - 5/5

Softlookup.com 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Collection 
Publisher: hundeva
Last Updated: 20/11/2023
Requirements: Not specified
License: Freeware
Operating system: Android
Hits: 1014
File size: 1.96 MB 

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