Accomplish - To-Do list reborn 1.1.5

Accomplish - To-Do list rebornAccomplish - To-Do list reborn APK Free Download
Version:  1.1.5


Use Accomplish to schedule to-dos and reminders. Accomplish is a To-do list that takes task management one step further. Not only does it help you remember the tasks that you need to do, with a conventional and simplistic to-do list, but it also lets you graphically plan out your time, with a daily planner built in. Using Accomplish, you can drag tasks straight from your to-do list into a calendar-like-day view‌. You can graphically plan out when you will get each of your tasks done. We believe that planning out our time is key to getting more done. We also believe that time-management (or schedule) apps should not waste your time. They should be fast and simple, so that you can spend your time actually doing things. These two points capture the essence of Accomplish: plan, fast. Accomplish is a to-do list and time planner. Its a tool for short-term time management. Accomplish isnt built to let you schedule an event, share it with 4 friends who will comment on it and accept it, and make that event repeat twice a year on Wednesdays in August. No. for that you can use your calendar. Accomplish is here for small things. For planning out your time, your personal life, day by day. It-s simple, and it-s FAST. Accomplish is made up of two parts: 1. The Accomplish To-do list This is where you put all your tasks, so that you dont forget them. The to-do list is placed in a panel that slides out from the right side of the app. 2. The Accomplish Day-view This is where you plan out your time, day by day. Its like the day view of a calendar, but much more intuitive. You can plan your time using the day-view in two ways either by dragging tasks out of your to-do list and into the day view, or by creating tasks directly in the day view. Editing tasks in the day view is much easier than in most calendars in Accomplish there are no-edit taskpages. What you see is what you get. To change a tasks time or make it longer or shorter, there is no need to navigate complex menus. You can simply drag the task up and down in the day view, and stretch it to change its length. Fast. Heres how we recommend that you use Accomplish:Whenever you remember something that you need to do add it to the to-do list or put it straight in the day viewMake a habit of planning out days in advance. For instance, we use accomplish every evening to plan out the next day. We look at the day view to see how much free time we have, and then look at the to-do list to see our tasks. We then decide which tasks we can get done tomorrow and drag them from the list into the day view, setting how much time each task will take and when we will start doing each task. Accomplishs features:The day-view syncs with Google CalendarFast, graphic, gesture-based controlsMany different task colors and app themesPowerful custom popup remindersExperimental- recurring tasksClean modern design We hope Accomplish will help you get more done! Feel free to contact us for whatever reason you have (contact us through the app) Thanks, and enjoy!


To conclude Accomplish - To-Do list reborn works on Android operating system and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. Accomplish - To-Do list reborn download file is only 7.6M  in size.
Accomplish - To-Do list reborn was filed under the Business category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score.
Accomplish - To-Do list reborn has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck Accomplish - To-Do list reborn when updated to assure that it remains clean.

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Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 8 - Score - 5/5 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Business 
Publisher: Developer
Last Updated: 01/23/2022
Requirements: Not specified
License: Freeware
Operating system: Android
Hits: 1128
File size: 7.6M 

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