FanFiction.Net FanFiction.Net FanFiction.Net

FanFiction.NetFanFiction.Net APK Free Download
Version:  15.0


Official app for FanFiction.Net is now on Android!

- Read - Access millions of stories for free
- Write - Edit and Publish your stories on the go
- Text to Speech - Turn stories into audio books
- Syncing - Library/Downloaded syncing between devices
- Forums - Join writing groups or make friends with millions of other readers and writers.
- Push - Push notifications for Followed/Downloaded stories
- Private Messaging - Enjoying private communication with other users. Send text, image or voice messages.
- Community Archives - Start or browse story archives .
- Beta Readers - Browse and search for registered beta readers.
- Story Management - Browse and manage your favorites and follows.
- User Management - Browse and manage your favorites, follows, and others.

Please note Private Messaging (PM) feature is currently app to app only. PM site integration is coming soon in a future release.

App Permissions Explained:

- Audio: Our Private Messaging feature allows the sending and receiving of recorded voice messages between app users.

- Camera: QRCode story/user sharing/scanning feature requires the camera to capture qr encoded images.

- Phone status: Text to Speech feature will auto pause story reading in headset mode when detecting in coming calls which requires phone status.

FanFiction.Net 58.2-972e37d993

Before we had the wattpad and our own archives there was fanfiction. Net. Fanfictionppp. 'net' is a repository mostly used for fan fiction created by and for fans of fandoms. Fanfiction from tv shows to bands. There's a wide variety of fan fiction on the net. On this app popular anime like naruto and bleach have their own sections that host thousands of stories created by fans. Over time and with the appearance of other platforms fanfiction. Net focused on creating a large and diverse community. Is there a forum on this app where you can discuss all sorts of things about your favorite fandom like whether you liked the end of harry potter or who your favorite supernatural character is. In fanfiction. There is also room for role-playing games with your own characters so whether you like to read or create content check out the forums.

the fanfiction. The net app is perfect for anyone who is looking for a space that has been a big part of the fandom world for years. You'll have access to both old and new content. I'm sure if you're worried that the community has become inactive you're wrong content is still being published on fanfiction. Net. It's possible to upload your own stories in a variety of formats for all kinds. If you want to contribute to the fanfiction site. Net community you can join the beta reader program to help other people publish their stories. The fanfiction is a free app for reading and writing. Net apk right now.


To conclude FanFiction.Net works on Android operating system and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. FanFiction.Net download file is only 21.9 MB  in size.
FanFiction.Net was filed under the Books category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score.
FanFiction.Net has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck FanFiction.Net when updated to assure that it remains clean.

FanFiction.Net user Review

Please review FanFiction.Net application and submit your comments below. We will collect all comments in an effort to determine whether the FanFiction.Net software is reliable, perform as expected and deliver the promised features and functionalities.

Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 14 - Score - 5/5 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Books 
Publisher: FictionPress
Last Updated: 20/11/2023
Requirements: Android 4.0.3+
License: Freeware
Operating system: Android
Hits: 1500
File size: 21.9 MB 

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